< An experiment to generate sound like phoneme by two or  three tubes model with digital filter >

To understand how to generate phoneme sound by mouth, an experimental program which runs on scilab-4.1.2 platform windows links here (PLEASE PAY ATTENTION that this program may have some bugs and also you may adjust program to fit your circumstances. If you use this program, everything should be done at your own risk).  

This program generates sound like phoneme by using simply connected two or three tubes as  resonance and digital filter under hypothetical principle of consonant or principle of vowel. Following are  generated sample.
/a/ /ha/ /sa/ /ka/ /ga/ /ta/ /da/ /ra/ /N(nn)/ /ma/ /na/ /wa(ua)/ /ya(ia)/ /pa/ /i/ /u/ /e(before)/ /e(after)/ /o/ /ae/ /au/

Explanation about tubes model to generate sound like phoneme, only  japanese language explanation except this are available.

No.5,  26  May  2009